Iberdrola joins the Cáritas campaign to serve vulnerable people
A campaign by
Direct beneficiaries
Those people who have naturally benefited from the campaign's interventions
Indirect beneficiaries
Those identifiable people who will potentially receive an effect from the campaign's activities
The current pandemic is mainly affecting the most vulnerable, who are seeing their living conditions deteriorate rapidly and intensely. In most cases these people are losing their jobs and as a result, the low income they had. Difficulties in housing, coexistence and care, the widening of the educational and digital divide and health problems complete the impact that this crisis is causing on families accompanied by Caritas.
For example, three out of ten households currently have no income. In other words, approximately 450,000 people living in households accompanied by Caritas do not earn a single euro at the moment, and families with income have seen it fall by 33% since the beginning of the crisis.
The 70 Diocesan Caritas provide reception and care to these people to ensure that no family that has seen their precarious income disappear, is left without access to such basic rights as food. Assistance will be provided in the payment of rents and supplies for those families who cannot afford the payment due to loss of income. They will also be provided with emotional and psychological support, many people have seen how confinement measures have made it difficult to live together and reconcile work and family life, increasing conflicts by 19%. Finally, one of the needs faced by the most vulnerable families is the ability to have computers and good connectivity. This is essential so that children and teenagers can, for example, take distance learning classes.
Spanish Cáritas (web)
Guarantee support to the most vulnerable people in the face of the health, social and economic impact of this crisis with guarantees of safety and protection
Thanks to your donations you can contribute to the care of 1,403,269 people, 650,000 families.